Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Red - Current


Adamaro, First to Desire
Akroma, Angel of Fury
Ashling, the Pilgrim
Avalanche Riders
Blistering Firecat
Blood Knight
Bogardan Hellkite
Caldera Hellion
Countryside Crusher
Fire Imp
Flameblast Dragon
Flametongue Kavu
Goblin Guide
Greater Gargadon
Grim Lavamancer
Goblin Ruinblaster
Hell's Thunder
Hellkite Charger
Hellspark Elemental
Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
Jeska, Warrior Adept
Kargan Dragonlord
Kumano, Master Yamabushi
Obsidian Fireheart
Rakka Mar
Ravenous Baboons
Squee, Goblin Nabob
Stalking Yeti
Tahngarth, Talruum Hero
Rorix Bladewing
Siege-Gang Commander

Other spells

Beacon of Destruction
Burst Lightning
Chain Lightning
Chandra Nalaar
Comet Storm
Flame Javelin
Flame Slash
Grab the Reins
Lightning Bolt
Magma Jet
Molten Disaster
Pulse of the Forge
Puncture Blast
Rolling Thunder
Searing Blaze
Shattering Pulse
Shattering Spree
Sudden Shock
Volcanic Fallout


  1. Maybe consider adding on of the big dudes on the short list in for rorix; he is a lot of red if that is something we are trying to cut down on.

  2. Yuki-Onna -> Keldon Vandals
    Caldera Hellion -> Crater Hellion
    Shattering Pulse -> Smash to Smithereens: looks rather bulky
    Molten Disaster->Fireball: XRRR for an Earthquake doesn't look very attractive
    Sudden Shock-> Firebolt: card advantage > split second
    Volcanic Fallout -> Arc Lightning: usually kills the same amount of creatures, but can be aimed at bigger creatures / your opponent as well
    Beacon of Destruction -> Fireblast: 5 dmg for 5 is too fair compared to other burn spells, I rather have 4 damage for 0

    Ashling the Pilgrim: costs more than your default dragon to be bigger than a Grizzly Bear
    Anger: only good if you are able to discard him
    Stalking Yeti
    Obsidian Fireheart: 4/4s for 4 are good in red, but the triple red and an expensive activation cost aren't worth the effort
    Kumano, Master Yamabushi / Tahngarth, Talruum Hero: 5mana 4/4s that require additional mana investments to do something relevant
    Flameblast Dragon: probably the next dragon I would play in my list, but 3 of them are probably enough
    Akroma, Angel of Fury: she is just worse than all your other 6 drops in red unless you are paired against the UW player

    maybe some of these cards as well
    Adamaro, First to Desire: if you try to speed things up this legend get significantly worse, because the players have less dead cards in their hands
    Countryside Crusher
    Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
    Jeska, Warrior Adept
    Rakka Mar
    1 Goblin Guide isn't enough to make an aggressive red deck playable, you need some redundancy, even if that means adding some cards that aren't on the same lvl:
    Goblin Patrol
    Jackal Pup
    Keldon Marauders
    Plated Geopede: even without a fetchland, you still have your 3/3 first striking attacker on turn 3
    Zo-Zu the Punisher
    Ghitu Slinger
    Sulfur Elemental
    Keldon Champion: an easier to cast Ball Lightning, that can be reused with blink effects and doesn't die at the eot

    Shattering Spree
    Grab the Reins
    Pillage / Aftershock: multi purpose artifact destruction

    Searing Blaze
    Pulse of the Forge
    Puncture Blast
    Wheel of Fortune
    Sulfuric Vortex

    Molten Rain: needed disruption against control that also helps you in the damage race
    Words of War: uncounterable source of damage that helps you against getting flooded and has some combo potential
