Monday, July 27, 2009

7/26/09 Changes

Apocalypse Hydra in for Branching Bolt

Branching Bolt is obviously thing best thing ever in Shards limited, but it just didn't seem to getting it done in the cube, and we've been wanting to try the Hydra out.

And Louis- we've been gradually trading for foils, but especially having all foil commons seems reasonable. I'm sure some things, like the Ravnica duals, will never be foil- they are just super expensive and I'd rather have a real Mana Drain.


  1. Branching Bolt, more like Branching Butt.... think about it.

  2. wacky. I doubt I have anything of value to trade you (I'm not particularly lucky with foils. For the M10 prelease, I got the AWESOME goblin piker foil. rad.). But I'll keep an eye out just in case.
